Mobile Tech for All [モバイルテクノロジーで世の中をもっと便利に、もっと楽しく]

Mobile Tech

for All

Mobile technology, making people’s lives

more convenient and comfortable

Our Mission

Mobile Tech for All

Yappli is an app platform that provides no-code mobile app development. Mobile app development has been difficult due to constraints in resources and knowhow, however our platform enables any company to manage their apps smoothly. In the age of smartphones, many innovative services are launched from mobile apps and we believe this is due to “app technology” that creates new digital experiences. By lowering the barriers to mobile app development and management, Yappli aims to create a platform that enables easy access to technology and digitalization, making people’s lives more convenient and comfortable.

All-in-one solution for enterprise mobile apps


We help businesses Go Mobile by providing services to connect with customers through apps.

Your very own native mobile app. Easy and fast in all-in-one platform
Yappli is a one-stop cloud-based platform for mobile app development, management and analysis, supporting a variety of business situations including sales promotion and internal communications, among many others.
No-code CRM that starts with mobile appfast in all-in-one platform
Yappli CRM
Yappli CRM is a new kind of CRM that you can start by just releasing an app. Engage with your customers more by understanding their behaviors and implementing various measures unique to mobile apps.

Over 600 customers!


Yappli is chosen for its performance in smartphone app development.
We accelerate mobile strategies of many companies.


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