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CEO message
I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all of our shareholders, for their continued support of our business.
It has been 10 years since the iPhone was released. The smartphone has drastically changed the world in the last decade. Innovative companies such as Uber, Instagram, LINE and Mercari have all emerged from mobile apps. App technology has reshaped digital experience. Apps not only operate at high speed but also enable access to GPS, cameras and other hardwares, as well as highly convenient features such as push notifications. These attributes combined have created services that have changed our digital experience and transformed the world.
We provide a no-code mobile app platform "Yappli" under our mission is "Mobile Tech for All." Our platform enables speedy no-code app development with intuitive CMS and analytics, a series of features that are updated daily via the cloud, and a customer success team that supports our clients. As such, our product is highly unique in both the Japanese and global landscapes. Yappli’s clients have expanded to various companies that represent Japan from popular fashion brands to banks.
Moreover, we have also launched a no-code CRM, "Yappli CRM" as a new product in October 2021. As mobile apps penetrate further into people's lives and have become the foundation for online touchpoints with customers, the need for a comprehensive Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system that you can start by just downloading an app has increased. With Yappli CRM, there is no need for a large-scale development, as it allows for easy no-code customer data management and use, enabling various initiatives unique to mobile apps to enhance customer relationships.
We will continue the same commitment toward a world where mobile technology is accessible to all, by lowering the threshold for app technology. As a publicly traded company, we will strive to continue being a trusted partner contributing widely to society, as we further expand our business.
Yasubumi Ihara
Representative Director and CEO
Yappli, Inc.